Tag Archive | managing grief during holidays

How To Get Through The Holidays While Grieving

mangerWhen we’ve lost someone or something that’s meaningful to us, whether it’s a person, a job or a home, we struggle with an array of emotions. Those feelings seem to intensify during holidays or anniversaries. Knowing what to expect is helpful so is deciding how we’ll handle our emotions and taking action. Below are a few suggestions.

Pray without ceasing.

Prayer frees our mind and places us at the feet of God. It reaffirms His love for us and reminds us that His plan is greater then we can possibly comprehend.

Accept that some things have changed.

Holding onto “what was” prevents us from enjoying “what is.” Changes, whether we wanted them or not, are often opportunities for us to move in a new direction. A direction that we might not have considered if it wasn’t for the loss we experienced.

Enjoy what you have rather than focusing on what you do not have.

Take a close look at what you have and participate fully by connecting to and appreciating the people and blessings in your life. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to lately.Start a gratitude journal and list three things you’re grateful for each day.

Modify traditions or invent new ways to celebrate.

Place the emphasis on Christ’s birth and His purpose for coming to earth. Take time to meditate on His love and mercy and share the “good news” with others.

Do what you can; not what others expect you to do.

If  having a houseful of guests would be too much, consider foregoing entertaining altogether and instead accept invitations from others.

Some people find comfort in volunteering or donating to a favorite charity.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Giving from the heart blesses not only the receiver but inevitably finds it way back to the giver, shaken down and spilling over.

Give yourself permission to have fun and enjoy laughter.

Joy is a blessing. It heals our hearts and renews our faith and hope.

However you choose to celebrate remember that a new year brings new possibilities and opportunities. Keeping our hearts and minds open to what lies ahead is an excellent way to reaffirm our faith and minister to others.

To read and download FREE articles on Healing From Loss please visit my website www.grief-recovery.org