Tag Archive | releasing

Letting Go

letting-goHealing requires that you let go of the past in order to reclaim your life and begin to live it in the abundance that God has for you. Each stage in the grieving process is a stepping stone that moves you farther along the path of wellness. It’s a slow process that requires time, energy and commitment but the investment is worth it and will mean the difference between living fully or simply existing.

For many of you, letting go is one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make but also the most liberating. The reasons for the difficulty are complicated and multifaceted. Simply put, you’re not only letting go of the person or situation, but of the lifestyle connected to them and/or the expectations that were not fulfilled. The future that “might have been” needs to be replaced with a new reality. Another cause of anxiety is the erroneous belief that letting go means forgetting the person.  In reality, letting go means releasing the pain associated with your loss and opening yourself to embrace and cherish the memories.

Letting go is…

Trusting:            God to provide strength and guidance.

Releasing:        The person or situation because I choose to do so.

Appreciating      The time I was given with that person or in that situation.

Remembering:  The person or situation for the positive influence they had in my life.

Recognizing:     That life is full of new beginnings.

Seeking:             New direction for my life.

Fulfilling:            The purpose for which I was created.

To begin your journey of healing refer to the workbook section in Life Interrupted: Grief Recovery Guide and Workbook available through Amazon and http://www.grief-recovery.org/  NOTE: “See inside the book” option and FREE articles are also available on the website. 

Letting Go Is A Choice

Ashi Butterfly“There are things that we don’t want
to happen but have to accept,
things we don’t want to know
but have to learn,
and people we can’t live without
 but have to let go.”
(Author unknown)

Letting go is…
Trusting –          God to provide strength and guidance.
Releasing –       The person or situation because I choose to do so.
Appreciating –  The time I was given with that person or in that situation.
Remembering – The positive influence that person or situation had in my life.
Recognizing –    That life is full of new beginnings.
Seeking –          New direction for my life.
Fulfilling –         The purpose for which I was created.

Visit my website: http://www.grief-recovery.org to download FREE healing from loss articles & to view my books: Life Interrupted; and A Time To Heal: Grief Recovery Guide and Workbook.