Tag Archive | Oswald Chambers

All or Nothing?

prayerful_personAs we go about our daily tasks how aware of God’s presence in our lives are we? Does He get a polite nod before a meal or perhaps a sleepy thank you at the end of the day or does He fill our minds and influence every decision we make? According to Oswald Chambers in My Utmost For His Highest, as a young child is conscious of his mother’s every more, so are we to live and move and have our being in God (Acts 17:28). We need to approach everything in relation to Him and trust Him for the outcome even when it doesn’t go our way.

As human beings our tendency is to take whatever comes our way and plow through under our own strength. When the day turns out to be better than expected we murmur a “thank you” and when it threatens to “squash” the life out of us we’re quick to call out “help me Lord!”

Treating God with less respect than we would a friend is dishonoring to Him and definitely not what He wants or deserves and it deprives us of a deep and fulfilling relationship. Why is it so difficult for us to yield fully to the One whom we can trust….who loves us and provides the strength and guidance we need? We seek that type of relationship from human beings why not with God?

Are we so deceived by our own desires that we fail to see goodness in its purest form?

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