Tag Archive | letter of farewell

Saying Farewell

Writing a letter and addressing it to the person or situation that you want to release is an important step in the healing process. Do the exercise below in a private and quiet place.

Plan on taking at least an hour (or more) to do the exercise. Turn off all electronic devices including phone, faxes, etc. Find a quiet area away from distractions and use paper and pencil to write. (Keyboards can create distance between you and your emotions.)

Start the letter by using the person’s name and begin writing without pausing. Say and ask all the things you wish you had but, for one reason or another, did not. If your loss involves a person due to death, divorce or a breakup, it might help to look at their picture while writing. If your loss is due to a life-altering crisis such as: unemployment, physical disability, chronic illness, etc., address your letter to the loss you’re experiencing and/or the person(s) or circumstance(s) that you feel were responsible. Include anything that comes to your mind. It can be positive or negative as well as questions or answers. Don’t censor your words or edit your writing. Instead, allow yourself to be simple and real, honest and open. When your letter is finished read it out loud and say a prayer of release. The next step in the letting go process is to shred or tear the letter.

In all likelihood, you’ll experience a resurgence of emotions from time to time as you continue to heal. If/when that happens, remind yourself that you’ve made a decision to embrace life, heal and move forward. Become involved in activities that will encourage and move you in a new direction.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

To begin your “healing from loss” journey refer to the workbook section in Life Interrupted: Grief Recovery Guide and Workbook available through Amazon and www.grief-recovery.org  NOTE: “See inside the book” option and FREE articles are also available on the website.