Tag Archive | Help with depression

Why Am I So Depressed?

depressedDepression is an indication that something is wrong and needs your attention. Episodes of depression can be debilitating and insidious. They can affect your sleep, your appetite, the way you see yourself and your attitude toward life in general. Depression can create disruption in your professional life and lead to poor performance. It can also affect your personal relationships with family and friends.

Depression resulting from a crisis or a traumatic event is referred to as situational depression and is a normal reaction to loss. However, if left untreated, situational depression can lead to a more serious form referred to as clinical depression, especially in individuals with high risk factors.

Some of the symptoms of clinical depression include feelings of deep despair and suicidal tendencies. Some of the behaviors to watch out for include: disorientation, chemical abuse, deep sadness that seems to be getting worse, refusing proper hygiene care, death wish or talking about suicide.

If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms you might want to suggest, in a non-confrontational way, that they consider going for counseling. A combination of counseling therapy and medication has helped many individuals by enabling them to put the situation and their feelings in perspective.

To begin working through your feelings of depression refer to the workbook section in Life Interrupted: Grief Recovery Guide and Workbook available through Amazon and http://www.grief-recovery.org/ (“See inside the book” option and FREE articles are also available on the website.)