Tag Archive | forgiving

The Good and the Bad

Years ago I made an important decision that turned out wrong and left me dealing with the negative fallout. I was feeling deeply wounded, struggling with the situation and feeling responsible for the consequences. I went to God with a grieving heart. After sharing my pain, fear and anger between sobs and hiccups, I felt a quiet comfort that I hadn’t experienced for a long time. As the days went by, the situation took on a different perspective and I began to see God once again as limitless in His power and love. The good or bad choices that we make don’t define Him or His ability to manifest Himself. He can take a bad situation or a wrong decision and use it for good. And He did!

The “situation” became my Mirror. God, however, was seeing it as just a bump in the road and me as His loving child. When I “saw” what He was seeing, I was able to let the situation go and allow Him to use it for His glory. “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalms 46:10)

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Please visit my website: http://www.grief-recovery.org to download FREE articles on healing.

Acceptance and Forgiveness

Accepting what happened is a major part of healing. Remaining in denial prolongs the struggle and the perception that we have of ourselves as victims. Assuming the role of victim prevents us from moving forward and receiving the help and blessings that are available.

Forgiveness plays a major role in acceptance. Assigning blame is not only futile it’s also self-defeating. While we’re holding others accountable for what happened we’re refusing to accept the situation for what it is (part of our life experience). No matter what occurred or how deep the injury, learning from the experience and moving forward with greater wisdom is a lesson that will benefit us in the future.

Staying locked in unforgiveness and refusing to learn assures us that we will repeat the same mistake.

What situation in your life did you find difficult to forgive? What helped you to forgive?

To read and/or download articles on grief recovery please visit my website.  www.grief-recovery.org