Archive | February 2016

Give Peace A Chance



“He has delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me.” Psalm 55:18

I wish I could say that I’ve never wrestled with a problem until I was totally exhausted but instead gave it to God immediately and let Him deal with it while I praised and worshiped….but (sigh) that wouldn’t be true.

I’m the youngest in a family of 7 siblings and, while my brothers and sisters were protective when it came to outside threats, that didn’t exclude them from teasing and bossing me around and occasionally making me the scapegoat for their misdemeanors. Since appealing to a higher power (our parents) didn’t always bring the desired results, I learned to fend for myself at an early age. Actually I did it for many reasons including: wanting to shine in my sibilings eyes, prove that I was equal to any task, keep them from taking what belonged to me or in some cases…..prevent them from blaming me for their “accidents.” And since old habits die slowly (or not at all) my “I can do this” attitude carried into adulthood.

Looking back I’ve come to realize how little I actually accomplished for all the effort I expanded and how much easier it would have been if I had let God deliver me from conflict and allowed His peace to fill my life. It’s a new concept for me but one I’m learning quickly and as the saying goes, “better late than never.”


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Connect The Dots

cropped-blog-header2.jpg On a particularly gloomy day, when I was feeling overwhelmed with the many difficult and seemingly unsolvable situations I was dealing with, I decided to make a list of the  blessings God has given me. I started with His gift of life and listed everything that came to mind….big and small. The list kept growing and my attitude kept rising. Now I keep a daily journal with the blessings for that day. Sometimes the blessings are big, healing for someone I’ve been praying for, and sometimes the blessings are less dramatic…..the joy of seeing my tulips in bloom.

I want to share the following email I received this morning from Max Lucado on that topic. I hope it inspires you as much as it did me.  

Life has a way of unloading its rubbish on us. Your boss expects too much. Your kids whine too much. Trash. Load after load of anger; guilt; pessimism; bitterness; and anxiety. It all piles up! As a result, we must guard our thoughts. Today’s thoughts are tomorrow’s actions. Today’s jealousy is tomorrow’s hate crime. Could that be why Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 13:5, “Love keeps no record of wrongs”? Paul also says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 that we have a choice: “We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.”

Selfishness, step back! Envy, get lost! Rather than store up the sour thoughts, store up the sweet ones. Make a list of God’s mercies; the many times he has blessed you…the many times he has forgiven you. And you will find your thoughts resulting in happy days.

From: A Love Worth Giving by Max Lucado


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